Evènement récurrent et gratuit autour des micro-éditions mises en vente régulièrement par la Microboutiek du Nova, le Micro Evening de ce soir vous invite à découvrir Thin Consolation, un label belge singulier autour duquel gravite une bonne vingtaine de musiciens, pour la plupart bidouilleurs expérimentaux de beats électroniques, qui mélangent allègrement les genres comme le hip hop, la techno ou le jazz. Fondé à Bruxelles en 2005 par UNREzT, une bande d’amis qui organise des raves dès 1999 à Namur, Thin Consolation est devenu au fil des ans l’un des représentants confirmé de la scène belge électro. Rejetant tout business plan ou reconnaissance médiatique, le label tient à rester totalement indépendant, la musique étant produite avant tout pour le plaisir, sans contrainte marketing ou autre. Bref, un label à taille humaine comme la Microboutiek les aime !
A l’occasion de la sortie de la compilation anniversaire "SPENT", disponible en cassette magnéto customisée, Fred Aerden - l’un des fondateurs de Thin Consolation -, avec la complicité d’Antonin De Bemels - artiste plasticien associé au label et ancien VJ résident des soirées d’UNREzT à Bruxelles -, nous ont concocté un Micro Evening festif, mêlant audio et visuel, dont "SPENT : the movie" fraîchement comploté par le duo. Les beats résonneront dans la salle et le bar du Nova jusqu’à tard dans la nuit. Et c’est gratuit !
+ SPENT_Night_in_Nova
On 6 June 1966, at the _Dakota House_ on 72nd Street in New York City, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis gave birth to a child. The Pope and Queen Elizabeth II were present and performed the relevant necromantic rituals. The Alpha-Draconians nurtured it. When Richard Nixon resigned, it was moved to Brussels, and hooked up to a supercomputer, located in the headquarters of the _European Commission_, called THE BEAST. Together they control the _CME Group_, the _World Health Organisation_, and the INTERNET. Their symbiotic relationship has spawned silicon and bit-based lifeforms to carry out routine or repetitive tasks. Some serve the needs of human beings. Progressively, most humans have retreated to virtual worlds. The question remains : where does love end, and need begin ?
In an attempt to formulate an answer, the appropriately named _Recordings of Thin Consolation_ invited 22 musicians and a video artist to provide tentative explanations. The musical proposals were compiled and released on audio cassette earlier this year. The video artist decided to make a short film whose style must still be defined... All this will be presented on 23 September at the _Nova Cinema_, along with live performances by LBNHRX, Mehbian and Dalcym, and DJ sets by Odaka, Miyu and Bonhomme De Bronze.
Your attendance will also allow THE BEAST to monitor your recent patterns and routines, using the personalised number composed of three entries of three digits that is tattooed on your forehead. This number is only visible using infrared scanners, generally to be found in _Starbucks_ and IKEA outlets. Those of you who have not been scanned recently may be fined, depending on the volume of data to be downloaded. We naturally thank you for your docility and look forward to seeing you at the _Nova Cinema_.
20:00 > Bonhomme De Bronze (dj) > From minimal soundscapes to offbeat melancholy + Microboutiek + Table d’Hôte (vg)
21:00 > world-première > "SPENT - the movie" (Antonin De Bemels, BE, 2016, en ov fr sub, 14’) + other recent works by Antonin De Bemels
22:00 > Dalcym (live AV) > broken beats and melodies on the verge of noise
23:00 > Mehbian (live) > Seriously warped instrumental hip hop, edgy the way we like it
00:00 > LBNHRX (live) > Crisp, gravely beats, organic swells, disintegrated hooks & blunted dub atmospheres ... awash with spluttering hiss and crackle.
01:00 > Odaka (dj) > warm minimal dance music + Miyu (dj)