Grindhouse cinema is dead... or is it ? Although most of its exhibition venues disappeared long ago and ‘true’ grindhouse films are no longer produced, these six talks and an industry panel discussion will examine the continued importance of the grindhouse and exploitation in contemporary cinematic culture.
Grindhouse cinema
Participants : Steve Jones, Jamie Sexton, Johnny Walker & Russ Hunter (Northumbria University, UK), Ernest Mathijs (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, CA), Elena Gorfinkel (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, US), David Church (author of “Grindhouse Nostalgia : Memory, Home Video and Exploitation Film Fandom”, US), Pete Tombs (Mondo Macabro, US), JJ Marsh (Erotic Film Society, UK), Joe Rubin & Ryan Emerson (Vinegar Syndrome, US), Frank Henenlotter (director, US).
> 14:00