Animation film Workshop
14.03 > 14:00 (2,5 euros)
Discover the secrets to Jiri Barta’s unique universe and explore your own imagination! We will learn to animate old toys and dolls with our own hands, just like in the film, and create a stop-motion (frame by frame) animation. So scavenge through your attic, basement or old chests and bring any old object that could be interesting for your film. In the NOVA lobby, these old objects will come to life again.. on the big screen! Please register first:
Film: "In The Attic..." (see First (Off)Screenings])
14.03 > 16:00 (2,5/3,5 euros)
Cineketje has already had several occassions to screen films by masters of Czech animation: Jan Svankmajer, Zdenek Miller, Hermina Tyrlova, Karel Zeman, Bretislav Pojar, and Jiri Trnka. This time we will screen a new film full of fantastic puppets and dolls by Jiri Barta, "In The Attic..."
Recommended for children 9 years and older.