prog: 779


NOVA € 3 RUE ARENBERGSTRAAT 1000 BXL € T&F 0032/(0)2/511.24.77 €

De Waterman - Rue des Ateliers, 3, Werkhuizenstraat - 1080 Bxxl

Persepolis (vitrine) - Rue de l’Ecuyer, 63, Schildknaapstraat - 1000 Bxxl

5 euros par jour/ per day/ per dag
(access to all the screenings + performances of the day)
except Tuesday the 6th Dec. > 2,50 euros / behalve dinsdag 6 december > 2,50 euros

25 euros: pass
(a pass for the 9 days of the "rencontre" + bring an ID photo or photocopy of "your picture!")

7, 50/ 6 euros: concert The Ex
(the concert is not included in the ticket for Tuesday the 6th and in the ’8 day pass)

2,50 euros: film workshops

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id_rubrique: 795
prog: 779
pos: aval